

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jealousy & Hypocrisy

So here I am blogging again. That makes twice in one week. I am patting myself on the back and I think you should all give me a high five. I don't think I've EVER done least not since Demi was born.

So my last blog post got some people worked up. There wasn't much action in terms of comments on the blogs but the feedback on Twitter was overwhelming. (That is a great thing). Apparently I was not the only Tweeter/Blogger to get annoyed by BMM. One of BMM's friends, mignons, lovers, admirers, asshole lickers was very quick to attack on twitter while NOT saying it to me.

BirthBabiesBitch (BBB) was making passive aggressive comments on Twitter regarding my blog but apparently didn't have the balls to address her comments or concerns directly to me. Now seeing as how I unfollowed her I had her tweets brought to my attention from other people who think she is as dumb as I KNOW she is.

Her snide comments were along the lines of "I love how jealous people trying to slam popular bloggers to get attention to their blog" "Some people are just so jealous of other bloggers success" Once I saw those tweets I replied directly to BBB telling her that I'm NOT jealous. What do I care if someone has 203478023948203942 sponsors? Does this look like a blog that is actively looking for sponsors? Does my writing scream "Please let me pimp out your products and I'll write great things about it?" Uh no. This is a venting blog, a personal blog, MY BLOG. I don't want sponsors, I don't want people paying me to write about their products by either giving me advertising money or free products, I don't want to feel like my blog is a job.

So apparently I was just blogging about BMM in order to get attention to my blog. Seriously? Before the post I wrote earlier in the week my last blog was written in September. Two freaking months ago...three now that we hit December. Do you really think I'm trying to up my follower count? Do you really think that was my purpose? If you do then you really are a stupid cu- Oh wait, I'd call you a cunt but you really don't have the depth of the warmth.....

Then I got called a hypocrite because I wrote on Twitter that my blog hits had gotten really high off of one post. BBB writes (again not to me) something along the lines of "I like how people who slam popular bloggers in one tweet talk about their blog hits in the next. Hypocrite". Really? I'm a hypocrite? Really? Me?! I'm not allowed to be shocked at the number of people who read that blog? I'm not allowed to comment on it? I wonder if BBB has ever heard of cause and effect? But really, me? A hypocrite?

Isn't a hypocrite someone who says they won't do something and then they do it? Like, "Oh my god. I believe every woman should fight till her dying breath for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) and then they schedule a c-section". I'm fairly certain that falls under the category of hypocrite. Now don't get me wrong. I have nothing against c-sections. I'm not an "vist" of any kind (lactavist, VBACvist, Intactivist). I believe everyone should do what is best for their family and their current situation but I HATE when people are like " many c-sections in this country are done for no medical reason what so ever. More women should fight for their right to have a VBAC. They need to find doctors willing to support their decision yadda yadda yadda. And what do they do next? They decide to schedule a c-section because "well my case is a medical case". Um are you sure? You can't try? You preach to everyone about at least TRYING a VBAC yet you schedule a c-section months in advance of your due date! Oh but I forgot. I'm a hypocrite! Whatever.

BBB has also called me an internet thug, or trying to act all hard behind a computer screen. I just have one thing to tell her and all of you. THIS IS ME. I'm exactly the same way in real life. I have a big mouth and if it pops into my head you'll hear about it. I'm not afraid to say what I feel. My blog is named Giftedly-Outspoken for a reason. I'm outspoken. My mother always taught me to speak my mind (although I'm sure she hoped I'd be more tactful). My grade 9 Physical Science teacher wrote in year book that my openness and honesty was refreshing but sometimes I'd look better if I held my tongue. After I read that I opened my mouth, grabbed my tongue and started talking to her. I let go of my tongue and I told her "I guess you're wrong. Holding my tongue isn't a good look for me."

I'm not an internet thug, I'm not a bully, and I'm not acting hard. This is just who I am. If you don't like it I invite you to unfollow the blog, unfollow me on twitter, or click the X in the upper right hand corner of your computer screen.

'Til next time!


  1. Seriously if you want to know the truth about Danielle come visit us here.
    Seriously if you want to know the truth about Danielle come visit us here.
    You'll need to make a free AOL name if you want to reply. We've dealt with BBB through each pregnancy and before her first pregnancy. She knew her husband 3 months before getting pregnant. Priot to that she had been trying to concieve with some other guy. She hooked a husband by getting pregnant. True story.
    You'll need to make a free AOL name if you want to reply. We've dealt with BBB through each pregnancy and before her first pregnancy. She knew her husband 3 months before getting pregnant. Priot to that she had been trying to concieve with some other guy. She hooked a husband by getting pregnant. True story.
    Seriously if you want to know the truth about Danielle come visit us here.
    You'll need to make a free AOL name if you want to reply. We've dealt with BBB through each pregnancy and before her first pregnancy. She knew her husband 3 months before getting pregnant. Priot to that she had been trying to concieve with some other guy. She hooked a husband by getting pregnant. True story. Seriously if you want to know the truth about Danielle come visit us here.
    You'll need to make a free AOL name if you want to reply. We've dealt with BBB through each pregnancy and before her first pregnancy. She knew her husband 3 months before getting pregnant. Priot to that she had been trying to concieve with some other guy. She hooked a husband by getting pregnant. True story.

  2. Sorry about the previous post. Somehow it was screwed up

    Seriously if you want to know the truth about Danielle come visit us here.
    You'll need to make a free AOL name if you want to reply. We've dealt with BBB through each pregnancy and before her first pregnancy. She knew her husband 3 months before getting pregnant. Priot to that she had been trying to concieve with some other guy. She hooked a husband by getting pregnant. True story.

  3. Yep...what she said. BBB is a joke. She thinks she is all that...her writing skills are terrible. She has no idea what most of the words she tries to use means. She is also a liar about many things.

  4. i'm a jealous boy

  5. Indeed, jealousy is not good in every relationship because if you really love someone, you must trust him with all your heart knowing that he will not cheat on you and will not look at any girls. I was a jealous person before and to remove all this jealousy within me, I went to some Theta healing seminar and this thing helped me a lot in making me feel good about myself and make all the jealousy go away.


Thanks for the bloggy love! I promise to try my hardest to return the love! :)

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