

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dallas is so expensive!

First of all, Sorry for being such an epic fail with NaBloPoMo...but at least I am posting more regularly right? Oh But I have like 3 blogs I'm about to pump out today!

Now for our regularly programmed blogging!

As most of you know I have a dog, a very cute dog with a hell of a personality. He has the cutest face in the whole world and his eyes are so expressive but man this dog is freaking expensive! He is on a raw food diet meaning that George and I always have to feed him raw chicken, beef, lamb, pork or whatever. (He hates turkey!) We never complain about the cost of his food because, well, we chose to get a dog that is on a raw food diet. But this dog is funny with his expenses... Allow me to explain.

It's Saturday afternoon. George and I have to go do a little Christmas shopping and we decide to leave Dallas with George's dad in our house. You figure the dog has a baby sitter, he shouldn't be too hard to watch. Give Dallas a chew toy or a stuffy and he's really content for a few hours.

George and I get back about an hour and a half after we left the house. We walk in and Dallas is super excited to see us but we aren't so excited to see him. All we see all over our living room floor is a red mess. George and I are looking at each other like "What the heck?" then it clicked. I had left two Christmas cards for our Secret Santa's on a table that Dallas is tall enough to reach. He took one of the cards and decided to shred it. (Thanks Gramps for watching out for him!)

The more I walk into the house the more I realize I was wrong. In the sea of red is also some pink. What the heck!? Turns out that George's dad wrote us Christmas cards and put them on the tree so that when I wrapped the gifts and put them under the tree I'd see them. Inside the cards were money. Canadian money is colored. 50's are pink.

Dallas doesn't mess with the tree but since he saw my father in law go near it he decided he had to do some investigating. He took one of the cards off the tree and ripped it open to see what was in the card. In the process of opening the card (aka shredding it to pieces) he decided to EAT some money. He tore a whole lot of 50's up and ended up eating one completely. Yeah, I'm not gonna be looking for that in his digestive tract. UGH!

C'mon you have to admit thats funny. The dog actually ate money. So George and I came home, threw down the bags with shopping and started taping money together...and then George punished Dallas for an hour by making him sit all by himself with no toys or anything. :(

Dallas doesn't go near the tree anymore but just to be on the safe side the envelopes are way up high on the tree now.

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